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Fuel Gas Conditioning for Drilling Rigs, Compressors, Gensets & Turbines

Pegasus Mini

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Designed for filtering, field gas conditioning, water removal and pressure reduction, the Pegasus Mini provides up to 750 Mscfd  of high quality field gas for all your fueling needs.


The Pegasus Mini™ fuel gas conditioner is a trailer-mounted system which conditions field gas for use with drilling rigs, compressors, gensets and turbines.


Producers are under ever greater pressure to transition to lower emissions field systems, both by regulators and by their stakeholders. Addressing the burning of diesel fuel for field applications is perceived by many as the low hanging fruit, some of the easiest emissions sources to address. Where a grid connection is possible, producers are moving to electrically driven systems, but this is not always an option. Yet all pads have produced gas available either from the wells themselves or from the midstream gathering line. Switching to this gas as a fuel source is an attractive option, as it is low cost, readily available, and generates significantly less emissions when burned - provided it is of a suitable fuel gas quality. 


Field gas typically contains, in addition to clean burning methane & ethane, a mixture of heavy hydrocarbon condensables and water. Burning this contaminated gas in gensets and other engines can significantly increase their maintenance cost, result in derating of their available power output, and result in downtime due to freezing and hydrate formation in the winter. The gas needs to be filtered, water and hydrocarbons removed, and in many cases it needs to be reduced in pressure to be an ideal fuel. JT skids, membranes and MRUs available on the market can address some of these issues, depending upon the constituents in the gas, but they each have significant limitations. In the case of other MRU systems, there are few options available in the required scale (~750 Mscfd) and most are difficult to set and operate and do a poor job of providing consistent, lean gas output. 


Pioneer Energy saw these challenges and has developed the Pegasus Mini, a line of field gas conditioning systems specifically designed to meet this market need. Not just focused on NGL removal, these units provide filtering, hydrocarbon and water removal, and pressure reduction. They provide up to 750 Mscfd of lean, consistent fuel gas, typically with a CAT MN of 65 or greater and a fuel gas pressure of ~170 PSI. Unlike other MRUs, the Pegasus Mini will not slug your engines. 


Pioneer has developed both a low pressure (~220 PSI inlet) and high pressure (~1,300 PSI inlet) configuration of the Pegasus Mini to meet the needs of producers with different available field gas pressures. The units are low cost and provided on a trailer for high mobility as field needs can change rapidly. Simple setup with few additional components, small footprint, minimal field labor requirements and autonomous operations ensure seamless turn-key integration with your existing field operations.


Pegasus Mini Features & Advantages


​Highly Mobile - Trailer mounted with quick and easy disconnects, the system is designed to travel from site to site as field needs change. Teardown, transport and setup can be achieved in less than 24 hours.

Appropriately Sized Capacity - The unit can accept ~ 1  MMscfd of raw gas input and, depending upon the richness of the raw gas, can output up to ~750 Mscfd of lean conditioned fuel gas.

High Performance - Able to accept a wide variety of raw field gas compositions, the Pegasus Mini will provide a lean, consistent, continuous output of high quality fuel gas, ensuring optimal operations of your drilling rig, compressor, genset or turbine. The system will autonomously adapt to changing raw gas supply and fuel gas demand. Most importantly, the equipment has been designed to never slug the engines.


Liquid Return or Optional NGLs - Either of the LP or HP configurations can return a liquid residue to a return line (if available). The LP configuration can also stabilize NGLs onboard, providing the flexibility to produce a truckable y-grade product if desired.

Robust Construction - Built tough to withstand rough oilfield environments and the punishment of regularly occurring deployments and redeployments.

Autonomous - Leveraging Pioneer's sophisticated control software, the unit is designed for complete autonomy, with simple push button controls, minimizing the required attention of field operations personnel.


​Safe - Built for full compliance with all relevant oilfield equipment standards, including all ASME code stamped vessels and Class 1 Div 2 compliance, the unit design has also been subjected to a rigorous HAZOP process. The unit is connected on each site with the customer's systems for permissives and emergency stop controls.




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